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Legacy Talent Pageant & Showcase

Wear Your Crown Proudly

You stand on the shoulders of your ancestors

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Legacy Talent Pageant &  Showcase

One of the most important parts of pageantry is to provide charismatic and well-rounded young girls and women with a platform to grow in character and confidence. This 3-month workshop fosters positive self-esteem, empowerment and confidence in contestants, through training exercises, best practices in presentation, lessons in sponsorship and community outreach and an exciting annual Spring Pageant and Talent Show. Our Pageant & Talent Workshops give young girls and women a personalized, diverse, competitive and fun experience tailored to their individual, unique strengths and talents. Whether you're preparing for your 1st pageant or your 100th, you'll find invaluable life-lessons and information which can  help you gain an engaging, fun, educational and empowering experience in pageantry.

Concurso y exhibición de talentos heredados

Una de las partes más importantes del espectáculo es proporcionar a las jóvenes y mujeres carismáticas y completas una plataforma para crecer en carácter y confianza. Este taller de 3 meses fomenta la autoestima positiva, el empoderamiento y la confianza en los concursantes, a través de ejercicios de capacitación, mejores prácticas en presentación, lecciones de patrocinio y alcance comunitario y un emocionante Concurso de Primavera y Espectáculo de Talento anual. Nuestros talleres de desfiles y talentos brindan a las niñas y mujeres jóvenes una experiencia personalizada, diversa, competitiva y divertida adaptada a sus fortalezas y talentos individuales y únicos. Ya sea que se esté preparando para su primer concurso o el número 100, encontrará valiosas lecciones de vida e información que pueden ayudarlo a obtener una experiencia atractiva, divertida, educativa y enriquecedora en el concurso.


The Legacy Talent Pageant  Experience

The Annual Legacy Pageant is a talent competition and showcase for young girls and women ages 4-21, that fosters positive self-esteem and confidence in the contestants.  One of the most important parts of Legacy Pageant is to provide charismatic and well-rounded young girls and women with a platform to grow in character and confidence. Our Pageant gives young girls and women a personalized, diverse and competitive, fun experience tailored to honing in on their individual, unique strengths and talents.


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